Free Client Conversion Calculator for Solo & Small Law Firms

Turn Your Lead Response Time Into a Revenue Advantage

Input a Few Key Numbers to See How Optimized Follow-Up Can Transform Your Firm's Growth

  • See Your Revenue Potential: Get a clear snapshot of how much more your firm could earn by improving your lead follow-up process.

  • Discover Your Conversion Opportunities: Calculate how an optimized follow-up strategy can help you convert more leads into paying clients.

    Quantify the Cost of Delays: See exactly how much revenue you're leaving on the table with delayed follow-up.

CBW in White

hi, i'm carmella!

I use this calculator to show solo and small law firms how much money they’re leaving on the table by not engaging leads quickly. Here's why it matters:

  • 78% of clients choose the first law firm that responds to their inquiry.

  • Responding within 5 minutes makes a lead

    21 times more likely to convert than waiting just 30 minutes.

  • Firms that engage leads quickly can see up to a 2-3x increase in conversion rates compared to those responding after 24 hours.

So if anyone is telling you they don’t need to improve their response times, send them this resource.. 😉

The Opportunity

Whether you’re new to automation or an old pro, you have a major opportunity right now.

With so many tools on the market, automating your lead engagement is simpler than ever. AI has made it easier to connect with potential clients immediately and secure more appointments. Automation is leading to a seismic shift in the legal field, so it’s never been more important to ensure you don’t get left behind.

Our Expertise

At Go Legal Flow, we’ve built dozens of automated marketing solutions for solo and small firms, which allows us to analyze processes across firms to find out what’s actually working.

Now, we want to pass one of these insights to you.

Get Started

Sign up to get immediate access to the calculator and discover how much revenue you could be missing by not responding to leads instantly.

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